Friday 20 July 2018

The Importance of Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Our physical and mental well-being depends on how you sleep so you may fully perform through the day and function normally. Living life to the best of your abilities may be difficult when you do not get a sufficient amount of rest due to constant interruption or cannot reach a deep sleep.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a disorder that disrupts one’s breathing during sleep due to extraneous tissue from the back of the throat collapsing into the airways. If this condition is severe and left untreated, it can result in serious health complications.

You may have sleep apnea if your partner or family member has noticed pauses in your breathing during slumber or if you snore loudly in a disruptive manner. Treatments for obstructive sleep apnea may include making healthy lifestyle changes and receiving oral appliances.

Dangerous Aftereffects of OSA

Failing to get quality rest significantly affects a person’s daily performance. They may find themselves lacking the energy to do activities they enjoy, and it may be difficult to for you to exceed at work because you always feel tired. Habits such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and the use of symptoms can contribute to the symptoms of OSA.

Obstructive sleep apnea is often associated with genetics and other factors such as weight. Those with this rest issue may show signs of premature aging and are at an increased risk of developing heart disease. A few complications arise due to the release of stress hormones triggered by a constantly diminished quality of sleep. When you leave OSA untreated, you put other people in danger as you increase your chance of causing a motor vehicle accident.

By undergoing treatment early on, a person prevents the occurrence of serious health issues and protects the safety of others.

How to Combat OSA at Home

Other than seeking care from a professional, a person may relive obstructive sleep apnea by making adjustments to their lifestyle. Resting on your side keeps the head and neck even, which supports normal breathing. Moderating how much alcohol you drink and refraining from consuming caffeinated beverages after 12 PM. Exercising on a daily basis and maintaining a healthy diet are other ways to enhance your sleep conditions.

Sleep Apnea Care with Dr. Mason Yeary

At Plano Smiles, we provide extensive care for patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Our Plano dental team is committed to improving your overall well-being by enhancing patients’ nighttime breathing patterns. For more information about sleep apnea and why it is important to treat this condition, contact our dental practice! Dr. Yeary and his staff are eager to help you live out your best life.

Thursday 15 March 2018

What are the stages of gum disease?

A majority of people in the United States experience gum disease at some point in their life. The condition can range from its minor stage, gingivitis, to its more aggressive form known as advanced periodontitis. Regularly attending examinations and cleanings offered by your dentists allows them to diagnose, prevent, and treat periodontal disease.

Gum disease comes in three stages: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Our dentist at Plano Smiles educates patients on the signs and symptoms on the different forms of the infection.


This stage of gum disease can be moderated by having an effective dental care routine. Gingivitis is characterized by a sensitivity to temperature, tenderness, and inflammation of the gums. Many people think it is normal for gums to bleed during their oral hygiene routine, however, this is a sign of gingivitis.


When gingivitis develops further, the disease begins to become irreversible without invasive or professional intervention. At this point, the bone and fibers holding your teeth in place start detaching from their roots. Periodontal pockets begin forming below the gum line, and allow harmful bacteria to harbor. This increases the risk of the infection spreading to neighboring, supporting structures. At this point, it is crucial for proper treatment of the teeth and gums to be administered. Deep cleanings and periodontal disease maintenance stops the progression of the dental issue and halts any further damage to the gums, teeth, and jawbone.  

Advanced Periodontitis

This is the final and most aggressive stage of gum disease. The tissue fibers that were attached to the tooth’s root have become loose, which can cause teeth to shift or become dislodged. During this point, there is noticeable recession of the gum line exposing the roots of the teeth. Your bite and comfort when chewing will be affected due the progression infection. Within the advanced periodontitis form, if surgical procedures such as gum grafting and pocket reduction cannot help, the tooth will be lost.

For more information on periodontal disease prevention and treatment measures, call Plano Smiles today! Dr. Mason Yeary makes every effort to ensure that your smile remains as healthy as it is beautiful.

Monday 26 February 2018

What is the Chao® Pinhole Surgical Technique for periodontal treatment?

When experiencing the initial signs of gum disease, it is important to treat it before it becomes more severe. When periodontal disease is left unaddressed for an extended period of time, gums begin to detach from teeth leading to a receding gum line and even tooth loss. Many patients are apprehensive about undergoing periodontal treatment as they fear it might be uncomfortable, invasive, and require extensive surgical intervention. However, thanks to a modern technique utilized and taught throughout dentistry, Dr. Mason Yeary at Plano Smiles can treat gum recession utilizing the Chao® Pinhole Surgical Technique.

This is a minimally invasive procedure that allows our dentist to reverse gingival recession without the use of grafts or sutures.

How does the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique work?

Usually to correct the gum line, patients needed to have subepithelial tissue taken from one area of the smile and placed over the roots of the exposed teeth. This not the case when patients choose to undergo pinhole periodontal treatment. During the procedure, your dentist makes small access points, as minuscule as the tip of a needle, and gradually shifts the gums to encompass the roots of teeth. Once the gingival tissues are in place, collagen strips are applied to the pinhole site and onto previously vulnerable roots to ensure proper healing and coverage. The results of treatment provide a newly enhanced, long-lasting smile, letting patients enjoy their improved dental aesthetic and health for years.

What are benefits of utilizing the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique for periodontal treatment?

Not only is this procedure minimally invasive, but it can also be completed within one dental appointment, in contrast to gums grafts which require multiple, spaced-out visits. Pinhole surgery also allows your dentist to treat multiple areas within the smile at once.  As there is no need for stitches or incisions, patients have less recovery time compared to traditional periodontal treatment and are known to heal within a faster timeframe. Patients also experience less discomfort, inflammation, and bleeding at the surgical site following the procedure. 

Dentists are required to undergo special training and education to perform this advantageous treatment. Patients must also have a certain level of gum health to be able to receive the surgery, to ensure they achieve desired results with no complications. There also must be a sufficient amount of gingival tissue to support the treatment. 

For more information regarding pinhole periodontal treatment, contact Plano Smile in Plano, TX by calling 972-231-7216. Dr. Yeary has undergone extensive training and education to provide patients with high-quality dental care that meets and exceeds their expectations. 

Thursday 30 November 2017

Full Smile Rehabilitation

Full Smile Rehabilitation with Implants

The smile rehabilitation process, with the use of implants especially, improves the aesthetics of your smile and enhances bite function as well. Each treatment plan is unique to the individual and procedures are recommended based on gum health, state of existing teeth, and dental goals. Dr. Mason Yeary provides a variety of comprehensive dental services to help patients regain their confidence and oral health. After an initial examination and consultation, smile reconstruction can be divided into two categories:


When teeth replacement is required, dental implants are a comprehensive restoration option that replaces a tooth from root to crown. The number of implants used depends on the extent of tooth loss. Implants can be used alone and attached to a single unit crown or they can be placed in groups to support full arch prosthetics. The restorations provided by our dental office are durable and seamlessly blend with the rest of your smile.

Before implant surgery, your dentist must determine if soft tissue and underlying dental structures can support treatment. To complete your smile, your dentist places the posts into your jawbone, then attaches the abutment and fastens your restoration. By receiving implants, you not only regain a complete set of teeth but improved bone density.


Dental services are provided by our office to restore the aesthetic of your smile. In addition to comprehensive teeth replacement, our practice enhances your teeth through cosmetic procedures, which can include topical teeth whitening or restorations, such as veneers.

Teeth whitening can be completed from the comfort of your own home and at the pace you desire. Brightening your smile utilizing a kit is a more effective option than one provided by a pharmacy or local store. This is because professional dental trays are customized to securely fit the contours of your teeth, evenly distributing the bleaching agent and leaving you with a uniformly white smile.

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain placed over prepared teeth to conceal imperfections, which may include gaps, inconsistent size, or stains beneath the enamel. Porcelain is highly stain resistant and veneers fabricated from this material require no more maintenance than a normal daily oral hygiene routine and bi-annual check-ups.

Complete rehabilitation of your dental health and aesthetics is vital in improving self-esteem and wellness. To learn more about the services Plano Smiles provides to revitalize your smile, contact our practice today!

Friday 1 September 2017

Why Choose All on 4?

Edentulous patients can choose from many prosthetics to recreate the appearance of lost teeth, whether they prefer fixed or removable restorations. Among these is the All-on-4 treatment concept provided by Nobel Biocare.

With all of the teeth replacements you could pick, here’s why Dr. Yeary recommends All-on-4 full-arch bridges:

Making the Right Investment

When you decide to pursue implant dentures as a complete tooth loss solution, you’re choosing to put your hard-earned money into a treatment plan that will improve your comfort and confidence. It’s vital to make sure the procedure you’ve selected provides the best return on your investment.

Your fixed denture options include detachable over dentures and screw-retained hybrid dentures. Each of these implies using a differing number of implant posts. For some patients, qualifying for these procedures means they’ll need preparatory care, such as tissue grafts.

The All-on-4 treatment concept is a smart investment, as it provides a secure full-arch prosthesis that is both non-removable and does not require bone augmentation before implants can be added. This treatment offers the benefits of both an over denture and hybrid denture.

Combining Minimal Treatment with Lasting Results

While screw retained dentures create the feeling and stability of natural teeth, this procedure requires the placement of a full arch of implants – sometimes as many as eight. Not only is this cost prohibitive, it is extensive. On the other hand, over dentures only require the placement of two implants posts to secure a denture that pops onto and off of attachments.

With All-on-4, patients receive just four implants, but their new smile is permanent and cannot be removed at home. This offers the minimal procedure processes of an over denture combined with the natural aesthetic and function of hybrid dentures.

Trusted Technology

The All on 4 treatment concept was pioneered by Nobel Biocare – one of the oldest and most trusted names in dental prosthetics and implant technology. Your treatment includes prosthetics that have been tested and studied for their longevity and dependability as teeth replacements. If any repairs or implant replacements are needed, Nobel Biocare’s laboratory can easily provide them. Consider this in comparison to an off-brand implant, where parts and replacements may be less dependable and harder to come by.

If you’re missing all natural teeth in your smile, consider All on 4 as an alternative to dentures and other fixed prosthetic options. Contact Dr. Yeary to learn more about this procedure and how it can benefit your smile.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Dental Implants: Improving the Framework of Your Smile

If you have one tooth or multiple teeth that are failing and cannot be saved, extraction and replacement are the best options to consider. Today, dental implants are a sure-fire method used to restore the fullness of your smile and prevent spread of damage from decayed and failing teeth. Implants also strengthen your jaw; like any bone, your jaw can atrophy from lack of stimulation, causing regular dentures to slide and grow uncomfortable as this change occurs. Dental implants provide a solid foundation for both your smile and bone health.

Anatomy of the Implant

Dental implants consist of three parts: The implant itself serves as a titanium replacement for the tooth root, which is needed to strengthen the jaw. The abutment attaches to the implant and serves as an anchor for the new tooth, which is made to resemble the surrounding teeth. Your prosthetic tooth, whether a single crown or more comprehensive restoration, can be made from porcelain, which is stain resistant and reflects light just like a natural tooth.

Dental implants can also be used to support dentures, whether by attachment that snap on an off or through permanent screw-retained attachments. These fixed dentures are only removable during routine cleaning at your dental office.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide the following benefits for patients looking to fill the gaps in their smile:

• Reinforced biting and chewing for improved digestion
• With the gap(s) filled, neighboring teeth will no longer shift toward the vacant spot
• A healthy-looking smile and improved confidence

Dental implants replace tooth roots and help retain the full ness of your jaw, preventing resorption through normal chewing function. If bone atrophy has already occurred, dental implants are still viable treatments that strengthen the jawbone and prevent further problems. In extreme cases, bone grafting can be performed in conjunction with the implant procedure to create a strong foundation for health and wellness.

Regardless of what unique pre-treatment you may require, the end result is natural-looking and feeling that and add years of function and appealing aesthetic to your smile.

It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Smile

If you’re missing teeth and you have noticed a change in facial shape due to the diminishing strength of your jawbone, please consult with our office and learn more about dental implants.  Even if you’ve been told you aren’t candidate for implants due to current bone health problems, there are always options that can lead to a healthy reversal of current conditions.

Contact Dr. Yeary for more information on what implants can do for you.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Questions to Bring to your Cosmetic Dental Consultation

Dr. Mason Yeary has a passion for transforming patients’ smiles with cosmetic dental procedures.  With so many choices available in terms of treatments and materials, our cosmetic dentist and team are prepared to correct a diverse array of aesthetic problems.

Cosmetic dentistry has seen vast advances in the last few years.  You have many choices and should be educated before deciding what type of procedure will fit your needs. Your consultation is a perfect opportunity to talk to Dr. Yeary and bring up any of those questions or concerns. We are here to help you with questions that include:

• Will you need to be sedated? 
• What is the procedure like?
• Will it take more than one visit? 
• How long does the procedure last?
• What is the recovery time if any?

If you’re considering a complex or multi-step treatment, you may also want to know what to expect in time off work, if any, and how to ensure you are comfortable during healing processes.
For a truly personalized experienced, and to ensure you understand expectations, be sure to ask:

• How do results vary?
• What is the right choice for me?

Dr. Yeary wants your teeth to be bright and to protect your oral health in the long-term. It is the very foundation of this dental practice to meet the individual needs of our patients. Dr. Yeary and his staff take a individualized approach to your treatment plan. Ask about treatment options to fit your goals, which may include:

Whitening: In-office and Take-Home Bleaching

Veneers: Durable and natural looking porcelain or chair-side dental bonding
Dental crowns: Completely tooth-colored and made from porcelain (no metal components included)
Implants: Implant placement and restorations with crowns, bridges, and dentures
White fillings: Completely seamless treatment for cavities

Procedure recommendations vary depending on level of staining or damage to teeth, soft tissue health, bone health, budget, and goals. Dr. Yeary customizes each treatment plan to individual patients.

Ready to schedule your consultation? Be sure to visit our Smile Gallery to see the transformations possible under our care. When you’re ready to visit our office and speak to our dentist, call us for your appointment. We look forward to providing you with your best smile ever!